Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a stakeholder centric problem solving methodology, with five phases including empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test.
「設計思維」是一個以利益相關者為中心的問題解決方法。 需要五個不同的階段來完成。先為利益相關者換角度思考 (empathize), 並且從中認清核心問題(define)。 認清問題後,具創意的構思方式(ideate),來製作簡單的樣板(prototype)。以及進行測試(test)
and he specialises in …
Applying design thinking to Corporate
Institutionalise, how to use design thinking to understand stakeholders needs, integrate them with strategy and prioritise them with alignment with the organisation.
Design your life
Applying individual, using varies tools with design thinking methodology to help unstuck and navigate to their full potential
Design thinking community
Co-founded in 2016 and leading DTIA. Which is Asia’s first premier platform that brings together thought leaders, educators and practitioners in Design Thinking as a community.